
Books Download Free Jettatura

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Original Title: Jettatura
ISBN: 8879830716 (ISBN13: 9788879830713)
Edition Language: Italian
Books Download Free Jettatura
Jettatura Paperback | Pages: 98 pages
Rating: 3.58 | 62 Users | 4 Reviews

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In una Napoli calda e luminosa, in una terra che è espressione del mito romantico, si intrecciano due vicende fantastiche. Due vicende che sono avvolte in un doppio velo onirico. Théophile Gautier ha la capacità di far lievitare i colori dei luoghi e della storia in un mare magnum di sensazioni ora chiare ora meno nitide. Jettatura è la storia di una identità sdoppiata e della trasfigurazione di una bellezza nella morte. La città di Pompei, bella, antica, magica, viene a delinearsi come un sogno d'amore e diventa teatro di una illusione perfetta, di un inganno che coinvolge tutti i sensi. Donne volatili e destinate a svanire nei loro pallori si muovono su paesaggi colorati lasciando in noi lettori una forte sensazione di magia.

Define Based On Books Jettatura

Author:Théophile Gautier
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Tascabili Economici Newton
Pages:Pages: 98 pages
Published:May 1993 by Newton Compton (first published 1857)
Categories:Cultural. France. Horror. Fiction

Rating Based On Books Jettatura
Ratings: 3.58 From 62 Users | 4 Reviews

Commentary Based On Books Jettatura
Jettatura : Drame napolitain, conté par Gautier, traitant de la croyance superstisieuse dans le mauvais oeil .Une histoire emplie de mystères insaisissables, de douleurs et autres souffrances dont le courant lemporte infailliblement sur la particularité fantastique de celle-ci.Un amour déchirant au point den arriver à lévanouissement de la vie, des personnages infortunés et un sacrifice inutile aux conséquences désastreuses forment lossature inébranlable de ce conte.Dautre part, lévocation de

Un classico breve e piacevole da leggere velocemente.Gautier apre una finestrella sulle superstizioni italiane nel 1800.È un libro assolutamente interessante anche per il contributo che dà sull'eterno dibattito sulla forza che puó avere la suggestione sugli esseri umani... Dopo avere letto questo libro, ci si puó anche chiedere, se invece non sia piú saggio dare retta alle leggende popolari... Un vero dilemma. Che fortuna che ho avuto a tirare su questo libricino a una bancherella dell'usato

3.5 stars. i think the translation is by richard scott but honestly i'm not sure. this was assigned by my professor with oedipus readings for obvious reasons. the slow but menacing tone the novella takes as we follow the cast of intense! i initially considered the excessive descriptions prevalent especially in the beginning to be unnecessary, but by the end i have decided to appreciate them as a literary juxtaposition, essentially of (view spoiler)[the author giving up lushous

A short story, or rather, a little novel. Small by its length, but so great by its strength!The jettatura is the bad spell that is thrown by the jettatore. The jettatore has the evil eye: with a look, voluntary or involuntary, he can go so far as to kill someone.In "Jettatura", by the sublime Theophile Gautier, Paul d'Aspremont loves Alicia Ward and Alicia Ward loves Paul d'Aspremont. A happy and approved marriage should conclude this love. But the ruthless jettatura will mingle with this

Pierre Jules Théophile Gautier (1811-1872) was a French poet, dramatist, novelist, journalist, and literary critic. In the 1830 Revolution, he chose to stay with friends in the Doyenné district of Paris, living a rather pleasant bohemian life. He began writing poetry as early as 1826 but the majority of his life was spent as a contributor to various journals, mainly for La Presse, which also gaveA short story, or rather, a little novel. Small by its length, but so great by its strength!The jettatura is the bad spell that is thrown by the jettatore. The jettatore has the evil eye: with a look, voluntary or involuntary, he can go so far as to kill someone.In "Jettatura", by the sublime Theophile Gautier, Paul d'Aspremont loves Alicia Ward and Alicia Ward loves Paul d'Aspremont. A happy and approved marriage should conclude this love. But the ruthless jettatura will mingle with this

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