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Title:Kuba Rozpruwacz
Author:Paul Begg
Book Format:Audiobook
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 384 pages
Published:2010 by Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy (first published November 21st 2002)
Categories:Nonfiction. Crime. True Crime. History. Mystery. Biography
Free Books Kuba Rozpruwacz  Online
Kuba Rozpruwacz Audiobook | Pages: 384 pages
Rating: 3.73 | 171 Users | 28 Reviews

Explanation In Favor Of Books Kuba Rozpruwacz

Do dziś nie wiadomo, kto stał za zbrodniami przypisywanymi Kubie Rozpruwaczowi, mordercy prostytutek z londyńskiego East Endu końca epoki wiktoriańskiej. Paul Begg rozważa kilka równorzędnych hipotez. Jego opowieść o zagadce seryjnego mordercy różni sie od innych książek na ten temat wyjątkowo skrupulatnie przedstawionym tłem historycznym i społecznym, na którym rozegrały się opisywane wydarzenia. Dzięki temu poznajemy tajemnice cieszących się złą sławą dzielnic dziewiętnastowiecznego Londynu, zasady pracy i techniki dochodzeniowe brytyjskiej policji oraz szczegółowe portrety ofiar mordercy. Autor dowodzi, że Kuba Rozpruwacz zostałby prawdopodobnie zapomniany, gdyby mordował gdzie indziej, zaś East End był sceną gotową na to, by rozegrały się na niej jakieś sensacyjne wydarzenia.

Itemize Books As Kuba Rozpruwacz

Original Title: Jack the Ripper: The Definitive History
ISBN: 9788306032
Edition Language: English

Rating Appertaining To Books Kuba Rozpruwacz
Ratings: 3.73 From 171 Users | 28 Reviews

Crit Appertaining To Books Kuba Rozpruwacz
Begg's history is, beyond a doubt, definitive. It covers not only the five canonical Ripper murders in detail, but also the two earlier ones Emma Smith and Martha Tabram with which the police Ripper file begins. Begg does not follow all the murders in said file, which ends with the murder of Frances Coles in 1891, but rather, ends with the vivisection of Mary Ann Kelly, then concludes with two chapters of speculation concerning the Ripper's identity. It is at this point that Begg's book

I picked up this book because I was going to visit a friend in London who lives in the Spitalfields/Whitechapel area of East London, which is where all the JTR events took place. The book was more than a re-telling of the gruesome events in the fall of 1888. He provided not only a great history of East London but also a detailed backdrop of London society (good and bad) at the time. The only thing that kept me from giving it 5 stars is that he's pretty long-winded and almost too much so for my

This book was interesting in that it focused on the social and economic circumstances that made the Ripper murders so sensational. It was more social history of the time rather than trying to solve the mystery.


(A-) 80% | Very GoodNotes: A sometimes awkward and tangential contextual history, it nonetheless offers a new lens to view a worn-out subject.

Well, it's definitely most complete account of social, historical and cultural context in Jack the Ripper killings. Truly fascinating!And most scientific approach to the topic that really is impressive if you take into account how many people are still looking at Ripper's case for sensationalism.

I think this book is as important as Sugden's work. I consider both to be the two most unbiased and authoritative sources to date. What's more, while they essentially cover the same ground, there are some things mentioned in Begg's book I did not recall from Sugden's. I plan on re-reading them both in opposite order when I have the time to see if the same is true in reverse.

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